‘A Man Who Works With His Hands Is A Labourer;
A Man Who Works With His Hands And His Brain Is A Craftsman;
But A Man Who Works With His Hands And His Brain And His Heart Is An Artist.‘
- Louis Nizer
Stefanie Schöninger - born and raised in Germany, but always thirsty for the world. Her restless heart took her to many different places;
shoes made her want to stay.
Shoes Set Her Soul On Fire.
Drawn by the creative industry, she was always in search for the purest essence of art. Stefanie studied Economic Sciences in Germany, Entrepreneurship in Sydney and she gained experience in many different management fields of luxury fashion as well as with start-ups in Berlin. Still searching for that ‘one thing’ that would allow her to pursue her passions, her journey went on from creative direction at a film production company to project management at a music and PR agency, bringing Berlin’s nightlife to Sydney.
At the age of 28, Stefanie started working as the marketing manager for one of the last shoemakers in Sydney. Soon she realised that the craft itself caught her attention more than anything else. Obsessed by the idea of becoming a master shoemaker, she learned the traditional ways of the art.
In December 2016 Stefanie founded Atelier Stefani, making an impact through original thinking and inspired doing.